Life Blog

Moving the World for 30 Years

Runners Knee: The Science Behind Injury and Prevention

Runners Knee – Discover the science behind the injury and how to prevent and treat PFPS. Many of our online followers have been asking us about patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS), more commonly known as runner’s knee.  What is it?  What exercises can prevent it?  What exercises can treat it?  With the abundance of conflicting information […]Read More

Sleep Habits “A to ZZZ”: Meditation + Exercise = Sleep

Sleep is universal. It is an important aspect of life as it restores and renews. Sleep is a key component in optimal health and disease prevention. As humans we spend one third of our lives asleep. Without sleep, organs deteriorate at a rapid pace, and the mind loses its acuity. Many cultures recognized the significance […]Read More

10 Benefits of Group Fitness

For years I was under the assumption that I should only do one-on-one private sessions if I was going to get all the benefits of Pilates. And when I was tired, or just being lazy, I would talk to my instructor about my day, my boyfriend troubles, or ask in depth questions about a specific […]Read More

The Journey Within: Movement as Meditation

Whenever I hear someone say, “that’s not yoga”, I always chuckle inside because they remind me of an earlier version of myself. Yoga, Pilates and GYROTONIC® have become a sort of trinity for me. These mind body techniques have one main thing in common: they all ask you to be present. These practices guide the […]Read More

The Power of the Breath in Pilates

When something is very natural it’s often compared to breathing; an implicit trust in an unconscious process.  17, 000 breaths a day is as natural as it comes. That’s why you’ll be surprised to know there are better breathing techniques than regular breath that Pilates encourages. We sat down with our Director of Curriculum, Shelly Power, […]Read More

Body Scan Meditation

Body Scan Meditation The body scan is a piece of mindfulness meditation. It is a practice in awareness and attention. It is a time to just be with yourself. Whenever you are in need of some “me” time, try starting this body scan and experience the benefits of increased relaxation, focus and attention. Find a […]Read More