Written by Christi Idavoy – Polestar Educator and Polestar Pilates Biscayne Studio Owner “All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything, what we think, we become.” – Buddha Recalling a happy moment in your life can bring feelings of joy, as reminiscing on a challenging period in […]Read More
Connecting to the Core: A Working Definition of Core Stability
Written by: Lana Johnson, Sydney, Australia based POLESTAR mentor and Physiotherapist I have had many interesting and valid questions of late from a variety of health professionals and patients, centered around the question of core stability and its role in Pilates and musculoskeletal rehabilitation. Many of them have been brought to light by Eyal Lederman’s […]Read More
Akın Saatçi: Educator Highlight
Testimonial from Polestar Turkiye Educator Akın Saatçi “I was on Turkey’s national rowing team for over 13 years. During that time, I won more than 100 medals all over the world: world cups, championships, etc. Of course by the end of my time on the team, I had plenty of injuries: shoulder, both knees, 11 disc […]Read More
Pilates & Food: A Restorative Recipe
Pilates & Food… These are 2 of My Favorite things As an owner of a Pilates Studio & a mom, there is not much time in the day to feed oneself. We all know how important feeding our body is; it works so hard teaching our clients, taking care of our family, and sneaking in […]Read More
Energy Medicine: Science or Witchcraft?
Dr. Carol Davis once told me that all evidenced-based practices started as witchcraft. For years I have attempted to separate my evidenced-based practice as a health care practitioner from my clinical belief in many of the energetic medicine modalities. I have pondered on this long and hard and have chosen to be a leader in […]Read More
Unconscious Competence & Limitless Potential
We are creatures of comfort and spend a great deal of our focus and effort to minimize possible discomfort. For example: cushioned shoes, central air conditioning and heating, heated steering wheels, cooled car seats, grocery delivery, etc. It’s fantastic that we have these innovations and conveniences built into our lives, but does it carry over […]Read More