A great class starts with identifying goals. What message do we wish to convey to a group or an individual that will be under our guidance for at least an hour at a time? As movement instructors, whether we are teaching yoga, Pilates, dance, GYROTONIC®, etc. a critical part of delivering a memorable experience is identifying the needs and wants of our students. So the question becomes: How do we identify goals for an individual or a group class that are both aligned with our experience as professionals and the students’ desires?Read More
A Question of Curves: Q&A with Dr. Brent Anderson
In this video, Dr. Brent Anderson describes a simple way to allow better movement through the facets during spinal articulation in a client with scoliosis. Question: In the Polestar curriculum there are correctional exercises and facilitation exercises; The corrective exercises take the scoliotic client to the reverse position of their curvature and either stretch or […]Read More
Does our Perception of Movement Influence our Health?
I recently listened to a great lecture by Sharon Kolkka in New Zealand about the “Biology of Perception.” Her delivery and content really made me reflect on my own teaching style and effectiveness. For years I have been interested in the power of perception as it pertains to my clients having a successful movement experience. […]Read More