5 Simple Practices to Bring Wellness into the Workplace 1. Take Breaks and Move! Set an alarm to incorporate movement every hour. Bring your own lunch and eat in the office as a group – then utilize your lunch break for an hour long walk – this will increase your daily steps and you will […]Read More
The Breath as a Tool
The Breath As A Tool – Katrina Hawley, NCPT, Polestar Educator I was once at a Polestar Pilates Educator meeting in which we were working hard to create content for the Internet to communicate to the world, “Why Pilates?” And “Why Polestar?” The answers I found to these questions were easy. Why Pilates? Because Pilates keeps […]Read More
How to Ensure your Clients do their Homework
“NECESSITY IS THE MOTHER OF ALL INVENTION.” When Daniel Vledata needed a way to make sure his clients were practicing their at home exercises safely and correctly he invented the Oov. The Oov is a unique alternative to foam rollers and rolled towels as a supportive exercise device. When a person simply lays on the Oov, it […]Read More
Does our Perception of Movement Influence our Health?
I recently listened to a great lecture by Sharon Kolkka in New Zealand about the “Biology of Perception.” Her delivery and content really made me reflect on my own teaching style and effectiveness. For years I have been interested in the power of perception as it pertains to my clients having a successful movement experience. […]Read More