Life Blog

Moving the World for 30 Years


Pilates Beyond Muscles & Bones: The Autonomic Nervous System in Motion

Many people turn to Pilates to help them recover from injury, overcome chronic pain and physical limitations, and improve posture. With those goals at the forefront it can be easy for Pilates practitioners to focus in on muscle tissue health, biomechanics, and, of course, movement quality. That is what Pilates teachers know a lot about and tend to utilize in helping their clients improve and in reaching their goals.Read More

Educator Highlight: Heather Brummett

From my first class, I knew I wanted to do something with Pilates. While dancing I suffered a significant ankle injury and had to see a PT. This, coupled with anatomy and physiology classes at a community college in LA, sparked my interest in PT. Just after graduating from PT school in 2001, I took a course from Brent Anderson, teaching Pilates in rehabilitation. I then signed up for the Polestar Pilates Comprehensive Course and continued to take more and more courses from the awesome teachers in the Polestar family.Read More

Educator Highlight : Kim Gibilisco

Co-owner of Movement CoLab in New York where she works closely with her husband, Robert Turner, Kim’s practice focuses on pre- and postoperative cases and the cross-training of professional dancers and athletes.Read More

Meet Kristin Loeer: Polestar Pilates Mentor

For some time now I’ve worked with a focus on the nervous system in movement. I have undergone further training in applied neuroscience and NLP coaching. Currently I am undergoing long term training in Somatic Experiencing, which is a method of trauma resolution through the felt sense and the autonomic nervous system (the part that deals with fight or flight and restoration and learning). Read More

Pilates or High Intensity Training?

Ever since Joseph Pilates opened the first Pilates studio for dancers almost a century ago, Pilates has been widely adopted by people from all walks of life, all over the world. Pilates continues to be one of the most widely adopted forms of exercise to this day. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a relative newcomer to the exercise scene, and it’s also gaining a huge global following. So which is it better for your health? Pilates or high intensity training? Here are four reasons why slowing down with a lower intensity workout like Pilates might be better for long term health and wellbeing.Read More

What Do I Need to Know about the Nervous System as a Pilates Instructor?

Before diving deep into pathologies and individual situations, it is always helpful to first gain understanding of any broad topic. I like to refer to this as becoming a master chef compared to a home cook who can follow recipes. Neither approach is wrong, but it’s helpful to identify your intention in order to seek out the information that will best help you. I’d also like to stipulate that I am a home cook and love following a good recipe – there really is nothing wrong with this! But with human movement and healing, I aim to be a master chef who can create master dishes based off of ratios and large-scale understanding.Read More