Life Blog

Moving the World for 30 Years


Educator Highlight : Angela Crowley

As a former gymnast and dancer, I always expected to have control over my body. A serious car accident took that control away. I lost fine motor use in my right hand and if I sat for an hour my right leg fell asleep. Traditional approaches including hospitalization in traction and intensive physical therapy didn’t lead to much progress or hope. I was told to learn to write with the other hand and that I would not be able to dance or do things like running or skiing again. I didn’t believe it. A pivotal moment was when I met a Naturopathic doctor Mark Manton who changed my life and is one of my mentors to this day. He applied and educated me in a holistic approach which included diet, acupuncture, neuromuscular therapy, osteopathy, meditation and movement re-education through Feldenkrais then Pilates. I became a massage and movement therapist integrating Pilates. Read More

If It’s Available…

In any movement practice that you teach, you will encounter students of all levels and ability. The Pilates industry caters to many different class settings, environments, and sizes. I used to teach group mat classes that had both seasoned movers and an elderly lady that could not get on the floor without assistance. Currently I teach mostly semi privates; the differences in any two bodies, even roughly at the same level, are vast. How is an instructor supposed to handle these differences? How are we supposed to keep our clients safe and still meet their goals? How can we teach the same class to so many different bodies? Here is a way you can make make multi-level classes work.Read More

Efficiency: Should it Always be the Goal?

Teaching Pilates has made me realize that the more I know, the more I don’t know. With any profession, hobby or skill set I am sure that’s the case. After ten years of teaching, I finally feel that I have a true understanding of the way the body works and how to help people achieve their goals. Regardless, I will always find a way to […]Read More

Why are Pilates Chairs so Different in Design?

You might have noticed that there is a big difference in the widths, heights, and depths of different brands and models of chairs, which lends for confusion when learning the Pilates chair repertoire and difficulty when deciding which chair to purchase. The great news is, you can choose your preference based on the outcome you’re looking for!Read More

No Pain No Gain? Ingredients for the Perfect Fitness Recipe

No pain, no gain?  Polestar educator Karyn Staples PT, PhD, NCPT discusses how cross training, moderation and epsom salt might be crucial ingredients for the perfect fitness recipe. When You Don’t LOVE your Exercise Anymore It’s been nearly two months since you resolved to get more exercise. You started with the best intentions. You went […]Read More

Educator Highlight: Christi Idavoy

The thing I love the most about teaching and owning a studio is building a conscious community. We come together from different walks of life to do Pilates and then realize that we have the most fundamental values in common: we value our health and happiness and want to take responsibility for it. Read More