Roxana’s extensive training in Rehabilitative Pilates and the John F. Barnes Approach to Myofascial Release gives her patients a unique healing experience. She is trained in Pilates Rehabilitation from Polestar Pilates, as well as certified by the Pilates Method Alliance (PMA). For several years, she taught at Polestar Pilates Studio in South Miami, FL and she is an active educator for Polestar education. As a practitioner, Roxana goes above and beyond to educate, heal, and guide her patients and clients to attain and surpass their goals so that they can live a life of maximum potential, free from pain and dysfunction.
In your own words – describe “the Spirit of Polestar”
RML: It is the spirit of living our best life and sharing it with those around us. The Polestar spirit connects us all as one, all over the world as movement specialists and as novice observers. It is an openness to learn from every experience with an open heart and mind in order to continue growing in the journey of self-discovery and improvement.
What Three Words come to mind when you think of “Polestar Pilates”?
What do you love about teaching Pilates?
RML: I truly love to teach, as I feel a sense of great satisfaction when sharing my knowledge with others. I also learn so much from teaching. There are many times that I have unexpected “aha” moments and continue to grow with each experience. I approach life as an apprentice and I learned from an early age that there is always more to learn. This year has taught me patience and resilience. In 2019, my family and I moved from Miami to Palm Beach and along with my business partner, we opened our first Pilates studio and Physical Therapy Clinic in December. Our grand opening was on February 27, 2020, the week of state closures due to Covid-19. It has been a challenging, but tremendously growing experience. I am very grateful to be part of the Polestar community because in this trying time, it has helped me stay focused and grounded. I was trained by Polestar and happy to become an educator after 6 years as a mentor.
What are your current Inspirations?
RML: I am inspired by people like Mother Teresa who dedicated their lives to helping others in need. I’m also inspired by my grandmother. She was a self-proclaimed nurse. I have vivid memories of her spending her time visiting the local monastery in Cuba and aiding the sick. These women were humble, selfless, and sacrificial.
Why Pilates? How did you find the practice?
RML: As a teenager, I enjoyed fitness and dance. I was trained in modern dance and was a cheerleader. I had an inclination to sports rehabilitation early on in my career and one of my good friends, Michele Gust, insisted I learn Pilates. I took Pilates fitness classes in my local gym and started adapting some of the exercises as treatment for my back patients. The patients loved it and I had very positive results.
Why Polestar Pilates? How did you come to join the Polestar Community?
RML: Michele continued to insist that I should be formally trained through Polestar. It took me 10 yrs to finally register and complete the Polestar Education Program.
What do you hope to convey in your teaching?
RML: In my teaching, I hope to convey freedom of expression, understanding of purposeful movement and how movement impacts the body.
What is your favorite Quote?
“Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.”
Dalai Lama
I try to be kind to everyone I come across because life is full of challenges and if you can bring some light into someone’s day, it can influence their mood.
What is your Favorite Apparatus or favorite way to move?
RML: I love the Trapeze Table because it allows much freedom of movement. You can hang upside down, twist and turn, and it feels like a playground.
You can find Roxana on social media at @myofascialhealing
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