When you imagine a Pilates aficionado, you probably think of a young, thin, healthy and physically active human. I am none of those things.Please Allow me to change that preconceived and incorrect notion. Pilates, also known as Controlology, was actually designed to be rehabilitative. I’m 50 years. I am obese. I exist with an autoimmune disease called myasthenia gravis, which causes severe muscle weakness. I have had this disease since I was 14 years old. As you can see I am not your typical Pilates aficionado. I was introduced to Pilates by my physical therapist, Emelia Brogna. She felt Pilates was a perfect fit for me because of the reformer helps you complete movements which is a real issue for me because I have a hard time completing the movement because my muscles get so weak and fatigued. I had no cell memory of certain movements because my body has had this condition for so long. As my physical therapy sessions were coming to an end, Emelia suggested I meet Arica Bronz, who is one of the amazing Pilates instructors at All Wellness.
Together, Amelia and Erica designed a program for me to start with very simple stretching and range of motion movements. In discovering how my muscles worked, we were able to design a program that would help improve my core strength and my balance. Emphasis on balance because I have been known to fall and I am not able to get up without help.In 2015 I started a clinical trial drug that helped increase my muscle strength. We all knew it was a temporary fix. we seized the opportunity to try to make the most of this new strength and build up as much strength and muscle as possible while we had the chance. Use of the reformer, the Trap table, some stretching with bands and sitting on a Yoga ball has increased my flexibility, strength and endurance in ways you cannot imagine. I am a person that couldn’t even sit up from a laying position. I can now do a modified Pilates program. There are things I can do that were unimaginable for me two and a half years ago. My posture is much improved. My breathing is easier. I have better range of motion. The flexibility I have gained is immeasurable. What I am trying to say in this rambling statement is simply this, Pilates is for all abilities, all sizes, all ages. Programs can be modified for your physical needs, if need be. Think outside the box and you may just discover your body can do things that were once unimaginable.
~ Roseanne Lathbury, All Wellness Client and Lover of Pilates
Originally posted at All Wellness, Polestar Host Site, Physical Therapy and Pilates Studio. Roseanne Lathbury shares her experience with Polestar Educator and Physical Therapist Arica Bronz.
Do you have a Polestar Pilates Success story or Testimonial? We would love to share it! – Email: info@polestarpilates.com
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