Mat Pilates


I loved this course! I now feel so confident in my teaching skills and I have learned how to properly train clients with pathologies and I am excited to continue learning through Polestar!Read More

Macy Romero

Mat Foundations as a course has been INSTRUMENTAL to the start of my training in teaching Pilates. I truly learned so much in both the actual sessions and the prerequisite work (Anatomy, Principles, etc). As I continue to learn more as a teacher in training, I find myself constantly going back to my notes from […]Read More

Len Palombi

I was drawn to Polestar because of it’s therapeutic focus. I learned assessment skills and how to design a customized Pilates exercise program to address a client’s specific needs. Polestar helped me grow as a professional by enabling me to work with special populations to give them a positive movement experience. I would encourage other […]Read More

Nickola Evans

I first qualified in 2004 with Polestar Au as a mat instructor. This qualification gave me the confidence to go and teach small classes of high quality. After teaching in Australia and the UK for a few years I then went on to take the Comprehensive training at Polestar UK. I am now a Physio […]Read More

Sandy Baker

My Polestar education was incredibly thorough. It included learning about the Pilates repertoire plus about the many contraindications and precautions I potentially would and in fact did often encounter working with a varied population. It provided a very strong foundation of knowledge which prepared me to teach 1:1 and Pilates Mat classes for over 19 […]Read More

Sherlyn C.

Polestar Pilates sets itself apart by constantly evolving, yet being all encompassing in its delivery of educational material as well as the learning experience. The Polestar community is ever helpful, ever willing to share and explore information together, to help one another grow to be a better version of themselves at any one time. The […]Read More