Pilates Career

Polestar Mentor Highlight: Meech Aspden

The spirit of Polestar is about finding the discipline and passion within to continually practice Pilates and empower others to practice Pilates. It’s not about finding perfection but about sharing and encouraging that passion.Read More

Polestar Graduate – Now What?

Now that you’ve completed your Pilates teacher training program, it’s time to consider in which environment or context you want to teach. There are many different ways to put your education to use!Read More

Mentor Highlight : Becky A’Hearne – Polestar Pilates UK

I was a freelance group exercise instructor in London in the early 2000’s and Pilates was beginning to come into the health clubs. My mum had done one of the first Polestar trainings in the UK. I thought I would do it to so that I would have another class to offer. Little did I know that through the Polestar approach to Pilates it was so much more than I thought it would be. The approach was refreshing and made sense to me. It also allowed for Pilates to be accessible to everyone through the rehabilitation aspect of the course. From this point I knew that Pilates was so much more than a set of exercises. It worked for people and their fitness goals and would allow for an organic and sustainable career path for me to follow.Read More