Pilates Hour

Devra Swiger

I received my Polestar training in 2004/2005 timeframe. I had already gone through a program with a classically trained instructor in Charlotte. I also did intense mat work with Colleen Glen. I decided to do Polestar as I needed something that would help me work with a wider variety of bodies. I really loved my […]Read More

Kelley watson

fascinating. I always enjoy Polestar Pilates science and evidenced based approach to the webinars. Each hour delivers an Ah Ha! Moment. Thank you!Read More

Diane Barker

A deep appreciation for the opportunity to take deep dives and and learn so much from Brent and all his guests.Read More


I’m really really happy every time when I have the possibility to watch the Pilates Hour. I’m from Brazil and It’s so nice see people for other side the world tell the same things I think. And, It’s a proud to see people have a large knowledge about Pilates and share with us. Thank you […]Read More

Yeranira Ortega

Pilates hour is amazing, I am infinitely grateful for the knowledge that your speakers share, especially the wisdom of Dr. Brent AndersonRead More