What do you love about teaching Pilates and owning a studio?
AD: I am grateful for the blessing to teach what I love, and I am surrounded by an amazing staff who also share their love of Pilates! Owning studios since 2002, it has been both challenging and amazing to see how we’ve grown and evolved over the years. I couldn’t imagine doing anything else!
Where did you take your training and who was the educator?
AD: I completed the transition course in 2012 with the Pilates Whisperer Shelly Power.
What are your current inspirations? What do you love about them?
AD: My life has been turned inside out the past few years with a diagnosis of chronic lyme disease. My normal day used to be filled with running a studio, seeing 7/8 clients a day, raising 2 teenagers and keeping up with their sports, a husband and home life, workouts, church activities, and so on. When my energy plummeted and mysterious symptoms reached a pinnacle, I had to adjust my life. Most activities got cut from my calendar, my client load dropped to 3 or 4 per day, workouts ceased, and life became quite depressing. As a studio owner, I couldn’t even do 30 minutes of Pilates without major repercussions that lasted for days. As my colleagues can imagine, that has been challenging! So I am currently working hard to manage day-to-day life and take care of my body. Accepting a new normal has been humbling, and I am learning to work within new parameters to find a balance of work~life~play!
Lyme symptoms can be broad due to the location of the bacteria inside your body and how they affect you. So varied are the issues that it’s also difficult to diagnose and treat. I know many are bed-ridden with Lyme, and others that can run miles and workout with no problem! I am thankful to be able to work and share what I love. So, my fellow “Lymies” are my inspiration.
Why Pilates? How did you find the practice?
AD: I came to Pilates at 22 through an injury with 2 herniated discs. I was a personal trainer and group fitness instructor who was struggling to make it through the day due to sciatic pain and foot drop! Once I started Pilates, I was totally hooked. My back pain was greatly reduced quickly with no shots or surgery needed!
What do you hope to convey in your teaching?
AD: Pilates is for everybody, no matter what! Your body is a temple, and if you don’t care for it, who will?
Where would you love to vacation?
AD: Anywhere tropical, with white beaches and beautiful clear water. In a hammock, under a palm tree!
What is your favorite quote? How do you live or embody this?
AD: Philippians 4:13 is my life verse…. “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” This verse inspired the name of my studio: Inner Strength Pilates
Describe your movement style:
AD: Creative and playful, explorative and thoughtful. I try to think outside of the box and make Pilates available for the person I’m training, not to make my client fit the Pilates routine.
What is your favorite apparatus or favorite way to move? What do you love about it?
AD: I love all of them, do I have to choose?!
What are you reading or learning about?
AD: Pilates for Lyme Disease, Neuromuscular Reprogramming, Pilates for Neurological Conditions and Pilates for Scoliosis are the avenues I am studying this year.
How does Pilates inform your profession?
AD: Pilates IS my profession, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I also have trained in many other modalities to complement my work, so that each client receives a blend of work to match their needs.
[…] I’m often asked how I ended up where I am…..like many others in the fitness world, I’ve had personal injuries that have led my interest in specific trainings to find healing. On my path, I was led to Polestar Pilates. I was drawn to them because of their mission to create life changing movement experiences. Polestar Pilates’ philosophy has been an integral part of my work for several years. – Polestar Educator Amy Dixon, NCPT […]