
Do You Oov?

Sandy Vojik has been a physical therapist for 2 years and completed her Polestar Pilates training 3 years ago. She is a native of Riverside, IL but currently resides in Salt Lake City, working alongside Amy Broekemeier at Pinnacle Performance. She loves creating positive physical and mental changes in her patients by tailoring her evaluation and […]Read More

How Imagery Changes the Way We Move

Written by Christi Idavoy – Polestar Educator and Polestar Pilates Biscayne Studio Owner  “All that we are is the result of what we have thought.  The mind is everything, what we think, we become.” – Buddha Recalling a happy moment in your life can bring feelings of joy, as reminiscing on a challenging period in […]Read More

Pilates & Food: A Restorative Recipe

Pilates & Food… These are 2 of My Favorite things As an owner of a Pilates Studio & a mom, there is not much time in the day to feed oneself. We all know how important feeding our body is; it works so hard teaching our clients, taking care of our family, and sneaking in […]Read More

Unconscious Competence & Limitless Potential

We are creatures of comfort and spend a great deal of our focus and effort to minimize possible discomfort. For example: cushioned shoes, central air conditioning and heating, heated steering wheels, cooled car seats, grocery delivery, etc. It’s fantastic that we have these innovations and conveniences built into our lives, but does it carry over […]Read More

The Journey Within: Movement as Meditation

Whenever I hear someone say, “that’s not yoga”, I always chuckle inside because they remind me of an earlier version of myself. Yoga, Pilates and GYROTONIC® have become a sort of trinity for me. These mind body techniques have one main thing in common: they all ask you to be present. These practices guide the […]Read More

The Power of the Breath in Pilates

When something is very natural it’s often compared to breathing; an implicit trust in an unconscious process.  17, 000 breaths a day is as natural as it comes. That’s why you’ll be surprised to know there are better breathing techniques than regular breath that Pilates encourages. We sat down with our Director of Curriculum, Shelly Power, […]Read More