Pilates Education

Advice On Cueing The Core: More Muscles Than You Imagined

The more you can get the whole body to work as a system the better off your clients are when they leave your class.  Great you did an hour of Pilates, but what happens when you need to go out and run around a soccer field and play a sport?  It’s not that we’re not cueing specific muscles, but that we’re also trying to do it in the most intelligent fashion.  Read More

How To Grow Your PT Practice With The Reformer

When I acquired the studio space I am in now, I got this larger room area which is what I specifically wanted in order to be able to teach group reformer classes. The moment we moved into this space my business completely transformed. It went from a smaller operation to “wow” I am impacting a lot of people’s lives and really felt like a force in the neighborhood. It was simply for that reason, the ability to reach multiple people in that one hour of time. Read More

Do You Really Understand Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis today is not only occurring in older people. There is a major increase of individuals between the age of 40 and 55 and it is amazing how many more people are suffering from osteoarthritis these days. When it gets severe, it’s a total joint failure. One in two Americans and two in three obese people will likely get Knee osteoarthritis, and the knees seem to be the leading joint where OA is found. 1 in 4 Americans or about 25 percent of the population will develop Hip OA, and it’s very costly. Read More

The Influence Of Imagery On Neurobiology is Powerful

A lot of the research in motor imagery supports that if you rehearse the movement before you do it, afterward it’s better.  That is very interesting, but what about going further back even into the emotional aspect? What about working with the limbic system and how it affects all that movement and working directly at the endocrine and cellular level and doing imagery there.  So instead of just looking at the results and then trying to find explanations, go directly into the tissue with imagery and see if that’s measurable. No one has ever done that, why not?  Read More

Educator Highlight: Claire Sparrow

I am creative, lateral thinking, and intuitive so learning scripts, teaching rote, and not knowing the why behind what we were doing really never worked for me. Polestar allows us to be creative, to be who we are as humans, and teach from there.Read More