Polestar Pilates

How to Motivate your Clients to Keep Moving

Adherence to an exercise program like Pilates is fundamental to ensuring the healthy objectives the practice generates are obtained. Explore the influences, variables, and tools you can implement in your teaching to motivate your clients. Read More

Unlock the Myth of Intra-Abdominal Pressure

How do we educate those who have lost the capacity to appropriately use intra-abdominal pressure? What is intra-abdominal pressure and why does it matter? How do we facilitate the appropriate amount of stiffness for the anticipated load? Read More

The Best Tool To Support Dancers: Pilates

Supplementary cross-training, alongside technical dance training, is essential to develop a dancer’s learning and longevity. The Pilates environment provides an opportunity to support optimal performance while reducing the risk of injury. Read More