Pilates Teacher Training

The Best Teachers Teach in the Moment

How would you describe your presence in the Pilates Studio? Cheerful, affectionate, grounded, powerful, indulgent? I always find it amazing that two Pilates teachers can lead the same exercise, using similar cues, yet one of them leaves you feeling great and the other falls flat. This is the nuance that presence brings to a session.Read More

Graduate Highlight: Chrissy Lomax

Whether on the Reformer, race-walking, or recording vocals in the studio, the principles are always active. The more I learn, the more I learn what I don’t know. Everybody and every body can do Pilates, and that is what I share. Read More

Educator Highlight : Roxana Molina-Lopez

I truly love to teach, as I feel a sense of great satisfaction when sharing my knowledge with others. I also learn so much from teaching. There are many times that I have had unexpected “aha” moments and continue to grow with each experience. Read More