Coming from where he (Kegel) identified squeezing these muscles, which led to improvement in stress urinary incontinence, we’re now fifty-plus years later still talking about Kegels. So I really call them a pelvic floor muscle exercise, because there are a lot more dynamics to it. Read More
Polestar Pilates
Why “Exercises To Fix Back Pain” is a Headline to Avoid
Stop chasing the “magic exercises” and “magic recipe” of what to do with your clients who experience low back pain – it does not exist. One exercise can have a beneficial outcome for one person and a negative outcome for another. Read More
The Best Tools to Maximize Your Pilates Assessment
Advance your assessment skills with Brent Anderson! When assessing the Goal-Post, the client is asked to do three things: Stand up against the wall with their head against the wall, Bring the arms to 90/90, Bring the arms into a high “V” position.
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Assessing the Full Squat
How do we know what is important? How do we understand what we see?
Polestar Founder Brent Anderson walks you through assessing the full squat. Read More
The Best Teachers Teach in the Moment
How would you describe your presence in the Pilates Studio? Cheerful, affectionate, grounded, powerful, indulgent? I always find it amazing that two Pilates teachers can lead the same exercise, using similar cues, yet one of them leaves you feeling great and the other falls flat. This is the nuance that presence brings to a session.Read More
The Most Important Part Of Running? It’s Way More Than Shoes!
At first, research was focused on biomechanics; kinetics, and kinematics, then shoes, speed, and cadence. Now we realize “we are human”… What about the psychological aspects like motivation, the runner’s passion, sleep habits, and nutrition.Read More