Pilates Teaching Tips

9 Tips to Self-Regulate your Nervous System

As soon as we start teaching groups we realize that there is a side to this profession that is rather nerve-racking. Here are 9 tips that can help you self-regulate your nervous system in preparation for those sometimes challenging classes.Read More

Generosity & The Business of Pilates

Keep a generous spirit even or especially when the stresses of our lives make us withdraw, contract, and pull back. Sharing opens your heart to others, and people will love and remember you for it.Read More

Efficiency: Should it Always be the Goal?

Teaching Pilates has made me realize that the more I know, the more I don’t know. With any profession, hobby or skill set I am sure that’s the case. After ten years of teaching, I finally feel that I have a true understanding of the way the body works and how to help people achieve their goals. Regardless, I will always find a way to […]Read More