Pilates Teacher

A Yoga State of Mind

What if yoga were a mindset, a state of being, a way of identifying with ourselves? What if we could bring this yogic identification into all of our activities, classes, and relationships? In celebration of International Yoga Day, we will have a look at what yoga is, how we can benefit from it and bring into our everyday lives.Read More

Educator Highlight: Claire Sparrow

I am creative, lateral thinking, and intuitive so learning scripts, teaching rote, and not knowing the why behind what we were doing really never worked for me. Polestar allows us to be creative, to be who we are as humans, and teach from there.Read More

Educator Highlight : Roxana Molina-Lopez

I truly love to teach, as I feel a sense of great satisfaction when sharing my knowledge with others. I also learn so much from teaching. There are many times that I have had unexpected “aha” moments and continue to grow with each experience. Read More

Polestar Pilates Highlight : Ana Bolt Turrall

What I love about teaching Pilates is that I get to share how amazing it feels and is for the body. I have the opportunity to share the importance of movement longevity and encourage people of all backgrounds to enjoy this treasure. Read More