
Michael Brunner

The SPINEFITTER workshop with Nina was very interesting and refreshing in the way she presents the SPINEFITTER. The feedback from my clients/patients has been consistently positive. As a trainer/therapist, I can directly see an improvement in range of motion as well as a more harmonious movement of the spine in every case. This allows me […]Read More

Frank Felten

100% satisfaction & happiness! I use the SPINEFITTER almost daily for myself and with my clients from all over the world. I highly recommend it and can say that it definitely works: My spine is more flexible, so I am younger. My energy flows better, so I’m healthier. My nervous system is more relaxed, so […]Read More

Dagmar Mathis-Wiebe

Pilates workouts on the SPINEFITTER are a highlight! The gentle massage of the fascia and tense muscles in the spine, shoulders and neck is super pleasant, the effect is lasting. Whether problems with the hips, shoulders or general back pain – the SPINEFITTER immediately provides relief, improved mobility and an all-around pleasant body feeling.Read More