Pilates Hour

Jody Secules

I have been a frequent Pilates Hour attendee since height of the pandemic. I loved the discussion of the rhythm of the bones today. Sitting hinged in a chair does not do us any favors. We are so much more than hinges. I also took Beth Kaplaneck’s Hip/joint replacement seminar online in 2020. Beth was […]Read More

JoAnne Pegler

This was one of the best episodes, ever! Your frankness, truth-telling and sharing about your experience really warmed my heart. Blessings on your recovery and future plans. I can’t wait to order the new book you haven’t written yet…..just sayin!Read More

Jill lowry

I find many of these videos extremely interesting and informative. The deeper dive into the topics and moves are really valuable to me as a pilates student. I really value the time that Brent, Shelley and the guests put into doing these 🙂Read More

Claude Chantal Blanc

Always very informative. Thank you for providing all this important information free of charge.Read More

Cathy Skene

I love these webinars. They give me confidence to teach with confidence!Read More